Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Nobody can get your goat..If you dont show them where its tied up!"

This quote like so many i have heard...struck me as funny and profound..that happens allot..
A voice speaks to me and says.."did you catch that?..are you listening?..what are you going to do with it?
So i do what i always do...write it down in the Quote book.
Its with me wherever i go...i like the feeling of putting pen to paper...enjoy the way the pages are crumpled.. and the ink is all different colors...from borrowing a pen each time.
I particularly relish the way i come back to the words..ponder them..going deeper into the meaning..beyond the surface..past the stars..so i may answer that question i heard earlier..

"Did you catch that?..what are you going to do with it Tammy?"

Its message i surmise has to do with the following:
I own goats...yeah that's pretty funny and maybe a little weird.
Most folks tease me about this fact...who would want to own a goat?.. and why?.. they persist.
This ironically...gets my proverbial..."goat".
And i wonder to myself...is it me?...am i somehow strange for housing goats?
Totally secure in my goat fetish i ignore the teasing and laugh along...
I am far to strong to worry what others may think about me or my goats...
"but OK...really,.... is it weird?"

Courage is letting go...
"Don't waste your time taking anything personally...
Whatever people say about you is just a projection of their image of you.
It has nothing to do with you."
Don Miguel Ruiz

Thursday, September 24, 2009

"It will be moments..not this money that will be our legacy....
save these for your rainy days"

Sometimes it just hits you....a moment....you know the ones where you stop dead in your tracks and say..please make it stop right here..hold that thought..stop the cameras!!

Its usually something that someone says to spark that pang of "romance"...time stands still and you can hear your own breathing...

Lately..the last year or so its been the sun...I am fascinated with it..every morning it rises on time..looks marvelous and does its job all day warming the earth..leaves the office looking even more beautiful than when it came in...and miraculously ends the day with a killer encore..in reverse..leaving those of us that choose to notice...speechless..in awe and wanting more...dare i say the sun must be female..

Of all the moments i have seen and heard...the sun is a steadfast showstopper guaranteed to delight and surprise two times each day...

I try to capture her....she is elusive...and coy...I like that about her.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Wyatt's World

"Hey Mom?..Yeeeesss Wyatt?..
It's my birtday soon..right?..yeeesss Wyatt...and Im gonna be nine right??..yesss Wyatt.."

thoughtful pause....

"My kids life is going really fast..does your adult life go fast??"

Wow!! Its 8am Wyatt...that is a deep thought but i would have to say..absolutely!!